Time to get your hands on the most complete cloud orchestration


The VMware vCloud suite was made available a few hours ago. While most of its components have been bumped only by a dot one it supports a LOT of new features including two major items :

  • The new vSphere Web client : The single pane of glass user interface on which you can extend functionality on your own by running your own custom workflows automating and integrating VMware and third party applications.
  • The new vCenter Orchestrator platform : The Nirvana of cloud Orchestration. Did I mention it is coming free of charge with vCenter Server ?

If this is the right time for you to try these check this out ...

First things first vSphere 5.1 is the core of your cloud. You can get it here. If you install it on Windows it will automatically configure vCenter Orchestrator so you can use it OOTB from the vSphere web client.

Now if you prefer to use the vCenter Virtual Appliance and vCenter Orchestrator Virtual Appliance you can click on the picture below linking to the following guide which gives some tips on their integration.
